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News: BOLD Protein
Need both mental sharpness and physical energy? Then BOLD Protein, a triple shot espresso with 15 grams of protein and 162 mg of caffeine per can, is a great choice. BOLD Protein is made using protein-enriched milk without the use of added protein powder, resulting in a delicious and uncompromising espresso experience without clumps. With reduced sugar content and no added sweeteners, BOLD Protein is the perfect upgrade to your daily cup of coffee.
“When I started BOLD, the goal was to introduce functional products to the iced coffee category. I wanted to challenge the café culture that dominated Danish iced coffee consumption and felt strongly that innovation had long been reduced to new flavor varieties. BOLD’s position in the market is to shape the category by contributing new thinking to the functionality around iced coffee. Therefore, I am proud to launch BOLD Protein Iced Espresso. The goal was to create a protein coffee that tastes, feels, and is experienced more like drinking real iced coffee than a protein shake with coffee flavor. Would it have been easier to make a variant with caramel or vanilla? – yes, but we leave that to our competitors.”
– Lasse Søkilde CEO & Founder

BOLD is genuine Danish entrepreneurship created with a determination to go all the way, the courage to pursue dreams, and a firm stance of never accepting a no. The company’s founder, Lasse Søkilde, became known from “Løvens Hule” (the Danish version of “Dragon’s Den”) as the first comeback case, who came back and succeeded in turning the Lions’ vertical no into a clear YES! The journey from there has been filled with countless challenges and anything but easy. Thousands of “no’s” have been turned, disproven, and rejected. Now, BOLD is driving the iced coffee category towards a more functional mindset. Do as BOLD does – seize your dream, find your resilience, and take the next step. We cheer for you and are ready to provide the mental energy and physical surplus to seize your opportunities.